Basic - (7)

CommandAliasesPermission LevelDescriptionExample
aboutNo aliasesPublic (0)Shows some runtime info like uptime, messages seen and link to support server.!about
coinflipNo aliasesPublic (0)Random decision making.!coinflip [thing]
helpNo aliasesPublic (0)Lists all commands, the commands from a cog or info about a command.!help [query]
pingNo aliasesPublic (0)See if the bot is still online.!ping
quoteNo aliasesPublic (0)Quotes the requested message.!quote <message>
self_roleselfrole, self_roles, selfrolesPublic (0)Shows self-assignable roles or assigns/removes one.!self_role [role]
uidNo aliasesPublic (0)Prints out any Discord user IDs found in the specified text!uid <text>

CustCommands - (4)

CommandAliasesPermission LevelDescriptionExample
commandscommandPublic (0)Lists all custom commands for this server, also the base command to making, updating and removing them.!commands
commands createnew, addMod (2)Create a new command!commands create <trigger> [reply]
commands removedel, deleteMod (2)Removes a custom command!commands remove <trigger>
commands updateedit, setMod (2)Sets a new reply for the specified command!commands update <trigger> [reply]

Emoji - (9)

CommandAliasesPermission LevelDescriptionExample
emojiemoteAdmin (3)Base command for managing emoji!emoji
emoji addupload, createAdmin (3)Uploads a new emoji!emoji add <name> [roles]
emoji deleteremove, nuke, rmv, del, 👋, 🗑Admin (3)Removes an emoji!emoji delete <emote>
emoji infoNo aliasesAdmin (3)!emoji info <emoji>
emoji listNo aliasesAdmin (3)!emoji list
emoji rolesroleAdmin (3)Manage the role requirements to use emoji!emoji roles
emoji roles addNo aliasesAdmin (3)!emoji roles add <emote> [roles]
emoji roles removeNo aliasesAdmin (3)!emoji roles remove <emote> [roles]...
emoji updatechange, rename, redefineAdmin (3)Changes the emoji name!emoji update <emote> <new_name>

Fun - (4)

CommandAliasesPermission LevelDescriptionExample
apexstatsNo aliasesPublic (0)Get stats from a player in Apex Legends.!apexstats <platform> <username>
catNo aliasesPublic (0)Random cats!!cat
dogNo aliasesPublic (0)Random dogs!!dog
jumboNo aliasesPublic (0)Jumbo emoji!jumbo <emojis>

Infractions - (8)

CommandAliasesPermission LevelDescriptionExample
infinfraction, infractionsMod (2)Base infractions command, see the subcommands for details.!inf
inf claimNo aliasesMod (2)Claim responsibility for an infraction as moderator!inf claim <infraction>
inf deletedel, removeServer Owner (5)Deletes an infraction. This can not be undone!!inf delete <infraction>
inf infodetailsMod (2)Shows details about a specific infraction.!inf info <infraction>
inf searchNo aliasesMod (2)Shows all infractions given by or to a given user.!inf search [fields] [query]
inf updateNo aliasesMod (2)Updates an infraction.!inf update <infraction> <reason>
mwarnNo aliasesMod (2)Warns multiple users with the same reason!mwarn [targets]... [reason]
warnNo aliasesMod (2)Adds a new warning, the user is not informed of this.!warn <member> <reason>

Moderation - (39)

CommandAliasesPermission LevelDescriptionExample
archiveNo aliasesMod (2)Base command for archiving, use the subcommands to actually make archives!archive
archive channelNo aliasesMod (2)Archive messages from a channel!archive channel [channel] [amount=100]
archive userNo aliasesMod (2)Archive messages from a user!archive user <user> [amount=100]
ban🚪Mod (2)Bans a user from the server.!ban <user> [reason]
beanNo aliasesMod (2)Beans a user on the server.!bean <user> [reason]
cleanNo aliasesMod (2)Gets out the broom to clean whatever mess needs cleaning!clean
clean allNo aliasesMod (2)Just clean everything!clean all <amount>
clean betweenNo aliasesMod (2)Cleans both messages given and everything in between!clean between <start> <end>
clean botsNo aliasesMod (2)Removes messages sent by any bot!clean bots [amount=50]
clean everywhereNo aliasesMod (2)Removes messages by one or more users in all channels!clean everywhere [users]... [amount=50]
clean lastNo aliasesMod (2)Cleans all messages send in the last x time (5 m for example)!clean last <duration> [excess]
clean untilNo aliasesMod (2)Cleans until the given message (message is also removed)!clean until <message>
clean userNo aliasesMod (2)Removes messages by one or more users!clean user [users]... [amount=50]
cleanbanclean_banMod (2)Same as a regular ban, but removes one day of messages by default, can go up to 7!cleanban <user> [days=1] [reason]
cleankicksoftbanMod (2)Soft bans a user from the server (ban, removes last day of messages and unbans).!cleankick <user> [reason]
forcebanNo aliasesMod (2)Bans a user even if they are not in the server.!forceban <user> [reason]
kick👢Mod (2)Kicks a user from the server.!kick <user> [reason]
mban🚪🚪Mod (2)Bans multiple users with the same reason!mban [targets]... [reason]
mcleanbanmcbMod (2)Cleanbans multiple users with the same reason, cleans their messages.!mcleanban [targets]... [days=1] [reason]
mkick👢👢Mod (2)Kicks multiple users with the same reason!mkick [targets]... [reason]
munbanNo aliasesMod (2)Unbans multiple users with the same reason!munban [targets]... [reason]
munmuteNo aliasesMod (2)Unmute multiple users at the same time!munmute [targets]... [reason]
muteNo aliasesMod (2)Temporarily mutes someone.!mute <target> <duration> [reason]
nicknamenickMod (2)Base command for nickname.!nickname
nickname addset, update, editMod (2)Adds or edits a user's nickname.!nickname add <user> <nick>
nickname removeclear, nuke, resetMod (2)Removes the user's nickname.!nickname remove <user>
purgeNo aliasesMod (2)Purges up to 1000 messages in this channel.!purge <count>
roleNo aliasesMod (2)Adds or removes roles from members!role
role addNo aliasesMod (2)Adds a role to someone!role add <user> <role>
role removermvMod (2)Removes a role from someone!role remove <user> <role>
rolesNo aliasesMod (2)Prints a list of all roles in the server, possible modes are alphabetic or hierarchy (default)!roles [mode=hierarchy]
seenNo aliasesMod (2)Shows when the last message by the user was logged!seen <user>
serverinfoserverMod (2)Shows information about the current server.!serverinfo [guild]
slowmodeNo aliasesMod (2)Control the slowmode on a channel!slowmode [channel] <duration>
tempbanNo aliasesMod (2)Temporarily bans someone from the server (regardless on if they are on the server atm or not)!tempban <user> <duration> [reason]
unbanNo aliasesMod (2)Unbans a user from the server.!unban <member> [reason]
unmuteNo aliasesMod (2)Lifts a mute.!unmute <target> [reason]
userinfoinfoMod (2)Shows information about the chosen user or yourself!userinfo [user]
verificationNo aliasesAdmin (3)Changes the Verification Level!verification <level> [reason]

Reminders - (2)

CommandAliasesPermission LevelDescriptionExample
remindr, reminderPublic (0)Base command for reminders!remind
remind meadd, m, aPublic (0)Schedule to be reminded about something!remind me <duration> <reminder>

ServerAdmin - (92)

CommandAliasesPermission LevelDescriptionExample
configureconfig, cfgAdmin (3)Configure server specific settings.!configure
configure admin_rolesadminrolesAdmin (3)Show or configure server admin roles!configure admin_roles
configure admin_roles addNo aliasesAdmin (3)!configure admin_roles add <role>
configure admin_roles removeNo aliasesAdmin (3)!configure admin_roles remove <role>
configure allowed_invitesNo aliasesAdmin (3)Allows adding/removing servers from the allowed invite list, when there are servers on this list all invites to servers not on the list will be removed!configure allowed_invites
configure allowed_invites addNo aliasesAdmin (3)!configure allowed_invites add <server>
configure allowed_invites removeNo aliasesAdmin (3)!configure allowed_invites remove <server>
configure censor_emoji_only_messagesNo aliasesAdmin (3)Enable/disable censoring of messages that only contain emoji!configure censor_emoji_only_messages <value>
configure censor_listcensorlist, clAdmin (3)Manage the token censor list!configure censor_list
configure censor_list addNo aliasesAdmin (3)!configure censor_list add <word>
configure censor_list removeNo aliasesAdmin (3)!configure censor_list remove <word>
configure censortrustedbypassNo aliasesAdmin (3)Allow trusted users to bypass censoring or not!configure censortrustedbypass <enabled_status>
configure cog_overridesNo aliasesAdmin (3)Configure permission overrides for cogs.!configure cog_overrides
configure cog_overrides addNo aliasesAdmin (3)!configure cog_overrides add <cog> <perm_lvl>
configure cog_overrides removeNo aliasesAdmin (3)!configure cog_overrides remove <cog>
configure command_overridesNo aliasesAdmin (3)Configure permission overrides for individual commands, this ignores any overrides.!configure command_overrides
configure command_overrides removeNo aliasesAdmin (3)!configure command_overrides remove <command>
configure command_overrides setaddAdmin (3)!configure command_overrides set <command> <perm_lvl>
configure custom_commands_channel_listNo aliasesAdmin (3)Manage what channels custom commands can be used in or are blocked from!configure custom_commands_channel_list
configure custom_commands_channel_list addNo aliasesAdmin (3)!configure custom_commands_channel_list add <channel>
configure custom_commands_channel_list modeNo aliasesAdmin (3)!configure custom_commands_channel_list mode <mode>
configure custom_commands_channel_list removeNo aliasesAdmin (3)!configure custom_commands_channel_list remove <channel>
configure custom_commands_mod_bypassNo aliasesAdmin (3)Enable/disable the ability for mods to use custom commands everywhere or not!configure custom_commands_mod_bypass <value>
configure custom_commands_role_listNo aliasesAdmin (3)!configure custom_commands_role_list
configure custom_commands_role_list addNo aliasesAdmin (3)!configure custom_commands_role_list add <role>
configure custom_commands_role_list modeNo aliasesAdmin (3)!configure custom_commands_role_list mode <mode>
configure custom_commands_role_list removermvAdmin (3)!configure custom_commands_role_list remove <role>
configure dm_on_banNo aliasesAdmin (3)Configure ban behaviour for DMs (off by default)!configure dm_on_ban <value>
configure dm_on_kickNo aliasesAdmin (3)Configure kick behaviour for DMs (off by default)!configure dm_on_kick <value>
configure dm_on_muteNo aliasesAdmin (3)Configure mute behaviour for DMs (off by default)!configure dm_on_mute <value>
configure dm_on_tempbanNo aliasesAdmin (3)Configure temp-ban behaviour for DMs (off by default)!configure dm_on_tempban <value>
configure dm_on_unmuteNo aliasesAdmin (3)Configure unmute behaviour for DMs (off by default)!configure dm_on_unmute <value>
configure dm_on_warnNo aliasesAdmin (3)Configure warning behaviour for DMs (off by default)!configure dm_on_warn <value>
configure domain_listNo aliasesAdmin (3)Configure domains to allow or block!configure domain_list
configure domain_list addNo aliasesAdmin (3)Add a domain to the domain list!configure domain_list add <domain>
configure domain_list modeNo aliasesAdmin (3)Set if the domains on the list should be censored or only those domains should be allowed!configure domain_list mode <mode>
configure domain_list removermvAdmin (3)Remove a domain from the domain list!configure domain_list remove <domain>
configure featuresNo aliasesAdmin (3)!configure features
configure features disableNo aliasesAdmin (3)!configure features disable <types>
configure features enableNo aliasesAdmin (3)!configure features enable <types>
configure flag_listflaglist, flAdmin (3)Tokens to flag to the moderators!configure flag_list
configure flag_list addNo aliasesAdmin (3)!configure flag_list add <word>
configure flag_list removeNo aliasesAdmin (3)!configure flag_list remove <word>
configure full_message_censor_listNo aliasesAdmin (3)Messages to censor if the content matches exactly!configure full_message_censor_list
configure full_message_censor_list addNo aliasesAdmin (3)!configure full_message_censor_list add <message>
configure full_message_censor_list removeNo aliasesAdmin (3)!configure full_message_censor_list remove <message>
configure ignored_channelsNo aliasesAdmin (3)Configures ignored channels!configure ignored_channels
configure ignored_channels changesNo aliasesAdmin (3)Configures channels to ignore for logging channel changes!configure ignored_channels changes
configure ignored_channels changes addNo aliasesAdmin (3)Adds a channel to the ignored list!configure ignored_channels changes add <channel>
configure ignored_channels changes listNo aliasesAdmin (3)Shows the list of channels currently on the ignore list!configure ignored_channels changes list
configure ignored_channels changes removeNo aliasesAdmin (3)Removes a channel from the ignored list again!configure ignored_channels changes remove <channel>
configure ignored_channels editseditAdmin (3)Configures channel to ignore for edit and delete logs!configure ignored_channels edits
configure ignored_channels edits addNo aliasesAdmin (3)Adds a channel to the ignored list!configure ignored_channels edits add <channel>
configure ignored_channels edits listNo aliasesAdmin (3)Shows the list of channels currently on the ignore list!configure ignored_channels edits list
configure ignored_channels edits removeNo aliasesAdmin (3)Removes a channel from the ignored list again!configure ignored_channels edits remove <channel>
configure ignored_usersignoredUsersAdmin (3)Configures users to ignore for edit/delete logs (like bots spamming the logs with edits)!configure ignored_users
configure ignored_users addNo aliasesAdmin (3)!configure ignored_users add <user>
configure ignored_users removeNo aliasesAdmin (3)!configure ignored_users remove <user>
configure languageNo aliasesAdmin (3)Sets the language to use on this server.!configure language [lang_code]
configure log_embedsNo aliasesAdmin (3)!configure log_embeds <value>
configure loggingNo aliasesAdmin (3)!configure logging
configure logging addNo aliasesAdmin (3)!configure logging add <channel> <types>
configure logging dashNo aliasesAdmin (3)!configure logging dash
configure logging removeNo aliasesAdmin (3)!configure logging remove <cid> <types>
configure lvl4No aliasesServer Owner (5)Allows adding/removing people to lvl 4 permission lvl for a command.!configure lvl4
configure lvl4 addNo aliasesServer Owner (5)!configure lvl4 add <command> <person>
configure lvl4 removeNo aliasesServer Owner (5)!configure lvl4 remove <command> <person>
configure mod_rolesmodrolesAdmin (3)Show or configure server mod roles!configure mod_roles
configure mod_roles addNo aliasesAdmin (3)!configure mod_roles add <role>
configure mod_roles removeNo aliasesAdmin (3)!configure mod_roles remove <role>
configure mute_rolemuteroleAdmin (3)Sets what role to use for muting people.!configure mute_role <role>
configure perm_denied_messageNo aliasesAdmin (3)Configure if a message should be shown if someone tries to run a command they do not have access to!configure perm_denied_message <value>
configure prefixNo aliasesAdmin (3)Sets or shows the server prefix!configure prefix [new_prefix]
configure role_listNo aliasesAdmin (3)Configures or shows the managed roles config list!configure role_list
configure role_list addNo aliasesAdmin (3)Adds a role to the configuration list!configure role_list add <role>
configure role_list modeNo aliasesAdmin (3)Sets if the list is a a list of allowed or disallowed roles to manage!configure role_list mode <mode>
configure role_list removermvAdmin (3)Removes a role from the configuration list!configure role_list remove <role>
configure self_rolesselfrole, self_roleAdmin (3)Allows adding/removing roles from the self assignable list!configure self_roles
configure self_roles addNo aliasesAdmin (3)!configure self_roles add <role>
configure self_roles removeNo aliasesAdmin (3)!configure self_roles remove <role>
configure timezoneNo aliasesAdmin (3)Configures the timezone used for logging timestamps!configure timezone [new_zone]
configure trusted_rolestrustedrolesAdmin (3)Show or configure server trusted roles!configure trusted_roles
configure trusted_roles addNo aliasesAdmin (3)!configure trusted_roles add <role>
configure trusted_roles removeNo aliasesAdmin (3)!configure trusted_roles remove <role>
configure word_censor_listwordcensorlist, wclAdmin (3)!configure word_censor_list
configure word_censor_list addNo aliasesAdmin (3)!configure word_censor_list add <word>
configure word_censor_list removeNo aliasesAdmin (3)!configure word_censor_list remove <word>
configure word_flag_listwordflaglist, wflAdmin (3)Words to flag to the moderators!configure word_flag_list
configure word_flag_list addNo aliasesAdmin (3)!configure word_flag_list add <word>
configure word_flag_list removeNo aliasesAdmin (3)!configure word_flag_list remove <word>
disableNo aliasesAdmin (3)Base command for disabling features!disable
disable muteNo aliasesAdmin (3)Disable the mute feature!disable mute